25th March Celebration

A beautiful celebration to honour the anniversary of 25th  March 1821 in the presence of the Ambassador of Greece to the United Kingdom, Mr. Ioannis Raptakis. And some beautiful crafts

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25th March Celebration Invite

On Saturday 19th March our school will honour the anniversary of the Greek War of Independence. Parents of the pupils who will participate in the celebration (Nursery classes, Y2, Y5, Y6,

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Happy Lent!

We dressed up, we learnt about the Greek Carnival, Clean Monday and the beautiful tradition of flying kites by the pupils of Y3, we bought books and we enjoyed savoury

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Rainbow colours

It’s always pleasant to talk about the rainbow 🙂 Thank you Year 2 about your beautiful assembly on Saturday!  

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And you, why do you learn Greek?

Well done to our GCSE 1 students for their thorough presentation on the importance of Greek language and to our Reception pupils who explained to us why they learn Greek!

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Three Hierarchs Day

On Saturday 29th January our school celebrated the Three Hierarchs Day. The children attended a special assembly where they learnt about the life and works of the patron saints of

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