PTA Christmas Party – Reminder

We would like to remind you the Christmas party which is organised by the School Parents’ Association this coming Saturday at 11.30am. The party is exclusively for our school’s pupils  and no parents are allowed. A big

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Letter from our PTA – Christmas Bazaar

The Parents’ Association of our school invites all students to a Christmas Party on 2nd December at 11.30am, at St Marylebone 6th Form Centre, at Blandford Street. The entrance fee is £5 per child

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Second hand book and cakes sale

The Parents’ Association of our school invite all children to the event we organise on Saturday 7th October throughout the school day. The event will include a second hand book sale as well

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Temporary change of venue

Please note on Saturday 7th October our school will not be housed at the main site of St Marylebone School but at St Marylebone 6th Form Centre, which is located approximately

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Music Workshop

What a fabulous day we all had on Saturday! We learnt about Greek musical instruments and traditional rhythms, and we sang our hearts out to familiar Greek songs. A special

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PTA Cake Sale – Saturday 24th June

Dear parents and carers, The PTA of St Sophia’s School is organising a Cake Sale on Saturday 24th June 2017 from 11.15am onwards. Cakes will be available to buy during break time and at pick

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