Second Hand Βook Sale and Cake Sale

The Parents’ Association of our school invite all children to the event we organise on Saturday 21st September throughout the school day. The event will include a second hand book sale as well

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Saturday 23rd March 2019

Dear parents, On Saturday 23rd March our school will celebrate the Greek Independence Day at St Marylebone 6th Form Centre, which is located approximately behind Waitrose, at 14 Blandford Street, W1U

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Event in honour of Titos Patrikios

On Sunday 10th March, a delegation of ten representatives of our school attended the tribute event to Titos Patrikios, one of the greatest living Greek poets. In a full house and in a

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Temporary change of venue

Dear parents On Saturday 1st December the Primary School (Nursery classes – Y6) will not be housed at the main site of St Marylebone School but at St Marylebone 6th Form Centre,

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PTA Christmas party – Reminder

We would like to remind you that he Parents’ Association of our school will organise a Christmas Party for the Primary School students (Nursery to Y6) on 1st December at 12pm, at

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PTA Christmas Party

The Parents’ Association of our school invites the Primary School students (Nursery to Y6) to its annual Christmas Party on 1st December at 12pm, at St Marylebone 6th Form Centre, at Blandford Street. The entrance

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Second hand book and cakes sale

The Parents’ Association of our school invite all children to the event we organise on Saturday 10th November throughout the school day. The event will include a second hand book sale as well

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