It’s the Carnival!

It’s the Carnival season and our younger pupils welcomed it making beautiful masks which they presented to all of us during our Assembly on Saturday. Aren’t they wonderful?    

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Three Hierarchs Day Celebration

On Saturday 27th January we celebrated the Three Hierarchs Day at St Sophia’s Church. The children attended a special liturgy, received the Holy Communion and learnt about the life and

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Three Hierarchs Day

On Saturday 27th January we will celebrate the Three Hierarchs Day. The school will meet at 9.30 am at the church for a special liturgy which will last approximately one hour. The children who have

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Merry Christmas!

We would like to wish all our students and their families a very merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year!                

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Christmas Celebration

You are warmly invited  to our Christmas celebration on Saturday 16th December at St Sophia’s church.  Our celebration will start at 9.30am with the Christmas liturgy where the children who have been appropriately prepared will receive the

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28th October celebration

Huge congratulations to our young and older students who treated us to a fantastic celebration today in honour of the 28th October. Well done to all of you!  

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