End of year fête

We would like to warmly invite the parents of Nursery, Reception, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and A Level classes to our end of year fête, which will take place on Saturday

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PTA General Assembly

Dear Parents, The PTA will hold their Annual General Meeting and Elections for a new Executive Committee at 9.45am on Saturday 15th June 2019 in the Music Room (last classroom

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Xenia Kalogeropoulou at our school!

What a brilliant assembly it was on Saturday! Our beloved children’s author and actress Ms Xenia Kalogeropoulou visited our school and enchanted us all with a fantastic narration of a

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Happy Easter!

A very happy Easter to all our students and their families! Our school will resume on Saturday 4th May at 9.30am with most of the classes housed at Blandford street and some at the

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Apples, Sugar, Cinnamon!

What a great day we had helping Granny Faidonia to make an apple pie for her grandchildren! A truly fantastic theatre trip that we all enjoyed so much!    

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PTA Easter candles

Have you bought your Easter candles yet? If not, our PTA will be selling their beautifully decorated Easter candles at pick up on Saturdays 23rd and 30th March. They cost

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