Beat school bullying!

A fantastic assembly by Y4A students about how to be sensitive and not tolerate any kind of bullying at school!  

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February stories

What an informative assembly we had listening to myths and folk stories about the month of February by the Year 3A pupils!    

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Three Hierarchs Day

On Saturday 25th January we will celebrate the Three Hierarchs Day. The school will meet at 9.30 am at St Sophia’s church for a special liturgy which will last approximately one hour. The children who have been

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Happy New Year!

A very happy New Year, full of health, joy and happiness to all our students and families!    

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Merry Christmas!

A very merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous 2020 to all our children and families! We are back to school on Saturday 11th January at 9:30am and you are all

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Festive ornaments and Christmas wishes!

How wonderful festive ornaments our Y2 children created for their Christmas trees this year! And what thoughtful and warm wishes our Y3 pupils wrote to their Y3 pen pals of the 72nd

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